Antique Statue Groups

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A selection of antique statue groups in real size, cast in bronze

We offer a selection of the most famous statue groups from the ancient world for sale in our online shop. Each of the large bronze sculptures is made on the basis of complex plaster casts of the original in museum quality. These replicas of ancient statue groups are for special people and special places.


The Farnese Bull

Hellenistic period. Discovered in the 16th century. The lost ancient Greek bronze original is mentioned by Pliny the Elder. It was probably a work by the Rhodian artist Apollonius of Tralles and his brother Tauriscus from the end of the 2nd century B.C. It was later brought from Rhodes to Rome and became part of the art and sculpture collection of the Roman politician Asinius Pollio. It is currently in the National Museum in Naples and may soon be in your possession as a replica bronze statue group

Artemis and Iphigenia

The original of the statue group is in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in Denmark. It is not completely preserved. Like so many Greek works of art, the statue was transported to Rome in antiquity. It was found there on the site of the former gardens of Sallust. The replica statue offered in the online shop is a bronze cast of the plaster cast of the original in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, which was presumably commissioned by Bertel Thorvaldsen and completed by him.


The Ludovisian Gaul

The Ludovisian Gaul is a statue of a Gaul who kills himself and his wife, also known as ‘The Galatian Suicide’. It is a Roman marble copy of a Hellenistic bronze statue group from the 2nd century AD, which Attalus I commissioned. The Ludovisian Gaul was probably created by the sculptor Epigonus from Pergamon. The sculpture is now in the Museo Nazionale di Roma, Palazzo Altemps, Rome.

Castor and Pollux – Ildefonso Group

The Castor and Pollux Group is an ancient Roman sculptural group from the first century AD and is considered one of the most outstanding examples of Neo-Ascetic eclecticism. The group was first documented as part of Cardinal Ludovico Ludovisi’s famous collection of antiquities. Today, the statue group is housed in the Museo del Prado in Madrid. Buy this impressive Roman sculpture group as a bronze replica to decorate your front garden, foyer or auditorium.


Laocoon and his Sons

The Laocoon Group is a monumental Hellenistic statue group made of marble based on a lost bronze original. It depicts the Trojan priest Laocoon and his two sons Antiphas and Thymbraeus as they are killed by giant snakes. Athanadoros, Polydoros and Agesandros of Rhodes are the sculptors of this group. Discovered in the 16th century. Currently on display in the Vatican Museums.


Purchase the Uffizi Wrestlers as a replica bronze statue group

The Uffizi wrestlers are a Roman marble sculpture based on a lost Greek bronze original from the third century BC. The two young men are engaged in pankration, a type of wrestling similar to today’s sport of mixed martial arts. Neither of the two heads originally belonged to the group. The sculptor Philippe Magnier made a marble copy of the group for Versailles around 1684, which is now in the Louvre. On offer here is a replica based on a plaster cast of the statue group in the Louvre created by Philippe Magnier.